Akshay Mysore

Akshay Mysore

CS @ Western University • AI Engineer • Entrepreneur

I build intelligent systems that solve real problems. Currently working on Blanc AI, developing agentic algorithms for enterprise software, and exploring the frontiers of AI research.

Ripple Ventures

Selected for Winter '25 Cohort

Pre-Seed VC Program

Microsoft for Startups

Startup Program Member

$125K in Credits

Western Accelerator

Selected for Winter '25 Cohort

Youngest Team To Qualify
akshay@portfolio ~
[STATUS] Loading tech stack...
TypeScript • Python • C++ • Java • Rust • SQL

# Experience


Blanc AIAug 2024 - Present

Leading development of an AI-powered enterprise automation platform. Implemented LLM-based task orchestration system reducing manual workflow configuration by 70%. Developed custom fine-tuning pipeline for domain-specific tasks achieving 92% accuracy.


Quantitative Analyst

Mustang CapitalSept 2024 - Present

Developed algorithm to detect positive arbitrage opportunities between primary and alternate markets. Built Python-based system to analyze price discrepancies and identify profitable trades. Implemented automated monitoring for real-time opportunity detection.

PythonNumPyData AnalysisAlgorithms

Backend Engineer

Infin8April 2024 - Aug 2024

Developed Django REST APIs handling complex business logic for enterprise resource planning. Built efficient database models and optimized queries reducing response times by 65%. Implemented caching system with Redis and created comprehensive test suite with 90% coverage.


Undergraduate Research Assistant

Western UniversityJan 2024 - Aug 2024

Contributed to developing a neural signal processing pipeline for analyzing multi-channel spike train data. Contributed to implementing a CNN model achieving 87% accuracy in pattern recognition.

PythonTensorFlowSignal ProcessingNumPySciPy

# Projects


Personal AI (Tess)

Advanced AI assistant with speech capabilities, long-term memory, and desktop control. Features inter-agent communication and real-time web search.


Story Generator

Uses LLM agents to create dynamic stories with ongoing world development. A central LLM oversees the world, introducing developments and plot twists to keep the narrative engaging.

LLMsAI AgentsPyTorchPython

Natural Selection Simulation

Complex simulation with 200+ AI agents featuring emergent behaviors, clan dynamics, and resource management.

TensorFlowPyTorchAI Agents

Malloc Manager

Custom memory manager handling 1,000+ allocation requests per second with 15% reduced fragmentation.

CMemory ManagementSystems

Ray Tracing Engine

Built a GPU-accelerated ray tracer supporting light reflections and shadows, rendering simple 1920x1080 scenes in under 10 seconds.

JavaGPU AccelerationGraphics

Malaria Detection Application

AI-powered malaria detection system trained on 30,000 images achieving 94.27% accuracy in diagnosis.

TensorFlowFlaskFastAPIComputer Vision

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